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Reading Testimonials

My Angel Card Reading with Mi’chell
By Leesah
I’m So Happy and Grateful to have received my Angel Card Reading with Mi’chell! I asked, “What do my Angels want me to know?” The Answers were so much more than I could have possibly imagined! The message that I am being ‘Guided to Love that Deeply Nourishes me in the very depths of my Soul on all Levels’ was astounding! The Angel of Innocence spoke to me the most, showing me that I was Free of the past, Returning to the Wholeness and Power of my True Heart and Soul! I felt So Uplifted and Happy seeing this Card and Feeling the Freedom and Pure Joy! It felt like an Inner-Child Reset! The message that my Life is undergoing a Powerful Transformation and I that I am being guided to the Most Self Nourishing Path made me feel so Protected and Safe. There were so many Profound Messages, I wish I could list them all! My overall feeling was Complete Happiness! As the message from Archangel Raphael said, ” I am Healed, free of guilt/shame, Healed Self-Esteem, Knowing that I’ve Always been Good Enough!” There were many messages about following my Inner Guidance as well and that by following my Inner Wisdom, I connect to Universal Wisdom too! Love, Nurturing, Grace, Power; so many incredible messages came through! ‘Romantic Love coming in that Transforms my Entire Life because it is Divine Love’ was the “WOW” Message! New and Healthy Friends are coming into my life, my Animal Card was, “I Am the Proof of Love”, Choosing Love that has passion rather than trying to find Love in passion, Angelic Love Miracles, “What I Believe Will Show Up!” There were Beautiful Angel Number Synchronicities too! The number 444 means a lot to me; when I see it, I know the Angels have my back! Mi’chell noticed that this came up when I placed my order, and that my Order number ended in 4444! When I looked up this number, it said that my Angels were all around me and I was Safe and being Guided! Oreo was the Sweet Guide throughout and Sweet Pea Meowed Her Approval! I Recommend Highly!

My Reading with Mi’chell: The Best Gift I Could Ever Have Given Myself!
By Leesah
My Personal Reading with Mi’chell was the Best Gift I could Ever have Given Myself! Immediately, the Feeling of Warmth and Sweet Cupcake’s Purr-Baby presence opened my Heart to incredible Healing! Every time I watch, the Feeling Multiplies! This Reading was like no other that I have ever had, and exceeded any expectations that I could have had! Her intuition is so spot on and she made me laugh with her initial analysis! I was so surprised at the depth of the Reading into All Aspects of my Heart and All the Beautiful Cards Decks used! So Many messages resonate and when I go back and listen again, I can see just how much they are true! Her Beautiful Affirmations of “I Set You Free to Love Me” and “I Set Love Free to Love Me” just Lift all the old paradigm of stress off of me! It feels like a White Light of Love is Surrounding me! Mi’chell’s Messages of Empowerment and Self-Love “It is Safe For Me to Love Myself First” are creating Miracles of Healing in My Life! I’ve been experiencing a Huge Shift in my power returning and Trust in Life returning! It was a real treat when Jelly Bean visited and Sweet Pea also came through to say, “Hello”. Sweet Cupcake laid down on the last card to affirm the Message with His Warmth, and Love! I Recommend Everyone Give Themselves this Gift of a Personal Reading with Mi’chell and Her Loving Furbabies! The Energy of Love will open Your Heart! Thank You So Much!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
By Anonymous
I am so grateful to receive readings from Mi’chell. Each time I receive her readings they deepen and clarify what is going on with loving. And they are so healing. There are almost no words for the essence of loving kindness that are imbued in the space. And that said, the readings are so pragmatic in a gentle and potent way. It allows for courage to heal, love and create a new way of being with one’s partner in a way that is real and true to you and your other self. Highly recommend!

Thank you again!
By R.
Thank you for doing a back to back reading, appreciate the insight you have given me. Your reading and your teaching are really helping me thru this. Thank you again!

Thank you for the beautiful reading
By R.
Thank you for the beautiful reading, much appreciated.

Thank you!
By Cherryl
You are very uplifting and awesome! Thank you!

Thank you
By D
Thank you again for your beautiful wonderful reading. I appreciate your services so much and I am sure I will use another reading soon.

Thank you so much
By Helen
Hi Mi’chell, thank you so much for sending my reading through so quickly! I’ve read it over a couple of times and am amazed at how incredibly accurately you describe the energetic connection between us. I’ve tried to talk myself out of feeling these things for so long, but they are only strengthening. Our physical meeting was an instant recognition and an explosion of energy and light between us, so this you definitely picked up on this! I do internally struggle all the time with how on earth we could ever reunite in this lifetime…but as a Pisces I also have a strong belief in the ‘impossible’ and the ‘unseen’. The reading has allowed me to see that my feelings and intuition about our connection are real and are reciprocated by him. I’ve also felt for a long time that he has tried like me to attempt to ‘rationalize’ what happened…so it’s amazing to hear that also like me, he’s also beginning to release this resistance. I also feel that now I’ve had this confirmation from the reading, I’ll be able to trust the universe to bring in reunion at the divine time. Thank you again Mi’chell with so much gratitude.

My first reading from DLL was more than I could have hoped for.
By Deneen
My first reading from DLL was more than I could have hoped for. It’s wonderful to have your suspicions confirmed in such a strongly positive Way from the Universe! I will be using this service much more!

Thank you so very much!
By Frank
Thank you so very much! Your advice was 100% on the mark. I read your answer and it was what I needed to confirm my intuition in this matter. The powers that be helped me in this as well. He called me last evening and told me they found a place to live. I also sense vibes from the boyfriend and his mother. Again thank you.

a true empathic intuitive healer
By Laura
I have been following DivineLoveLight now for approximately 3-4 years and have ordered many personal readings and work. DivineLoveLight has integrity that is often missing and also is a wonderful teacher as she takes time to explain concepts and meanings and energy. She does not go for mainstream reading but looks at true deep energy and is a true empathic intuitive healer. She’s who I recommend, who I go to not every month, but close. Her readings are nourishing and loving while being honest and encouraging. So happy I found these services.

Another happy testimonial
By Anonymous
Another happy testimonial- Mi’chell’s readings are not only outstanding in empathic content. She has an uncanny ability to sense energy shifts in terms of timelines. I was shocked when, practically at the stroke of midnight, there was a flood of kindness and love coming from my partner (which correlated with my intentions). This was exactly when she said the shift would occur. I am SO happy with the work done here.

Twin Flame Soulmate Energy Reading
By Kerri
I recently discovered Mi’chell on YouTube and was immediately connected to her energy and interpretation of the cards. Though her YouTube readings are general and for the collective, I can honestly say that each reading I watch is quite accurate to my situation, so much so, that it feels like a personal reading and I knew I wanted to order a reading with her. Her readings are quite detailed, deep, inspirational, spiritually guided and given with love. You can hear the kindness in her voice. She is really gifted. I will definitely purchase readings with her in the future. Thank you Mi’Chell for sharing your wisdom and beautiful gift. Blessings and much Love.

One of the best by far
By Heather
I have used DLL for readings for many years now, and have found Mi’chell to be one of the best by far. I recently got an Empathic Reading about my love relationship which was really spot on in identifying my partner’s thoughts and feelings, and identified some of the core issues. I also asked for a couple of standard (3 days), and already there has been a shift, he is really looking at me, seems more loving and the vibe is more loving. Thank you so much Mi’chell. Blessings, Heather

She is a genuine, and an authentic, and a sincere, empath
By S.N.M. (Samantha M)
I just want to say, that I don’t usually write testimonials for people, but I feel/felt like I genuinely wanted to do one for Mi’chell, because she has really helped me. I ordered a “Rosette Magical Blessings Bag,” from her, (Which smells really good, by the way, lol haha), and I’ve also ordered several personal, and private, readings with her, AND I’m one of her YouTube subscribers, so I watch all of her YouTube videos, which is how I found her, and it is odd, because I never used to go on YouTube, except for music/to listen to music/and to sing music, because I am a singer, and then “all of a sudden” all of these pick-a-card readings started popping-up on my YouTube timeline, exactly at the right moment that I needed to see them, especially Mi’chell’s channel, which I know now wasn’t “all of a sudden,” it was divine timing. I think that she really does the world a service, by posting all of these videos, and offering all of these personal, and private, readings. And I think that she is a genuine, and an authentic, and a sincere, empath, because not everybody is, and it is hard to find those, and I’m a Cancer, so I’m empathic/empathetic, myself, and I’m pretty well able to tell another fellow empath/empathetic person. I just want to say thank you, to Mi’chell, and if you need religious and/or spiritual help, I feel like she is, and could very well be a good person to go to, and a good person to turn to.

Thank you
By Anonymous
Mi’chell is more than an advisor, she is a friend. Thank you Mi’chell.

I can’t say enough positive things about Mi’chell.
By N.A.
I can’t say enough positive things about Mi’chell. Her wisdom is divine and I have never gotten a reading from her that was not true to the feelings in a situation. Her work is not only miraculous, it helps me evolve spiritually as a human being and as a woman. This woman has brought me closer to God/Spirit or whatever you want to call “it” and I am so grateful and feel so blessed to have found her. Bless you my dear!!

I want to say that Mi’chell has become a dear advisor to me.
By Anonymous
I want to say that Mi’chell has become a dear advisor to me. She has equipped me with wisdom, knowledge and faith and has truly gone above and beyond in supporting me and guiding me in her empathic readings. I just want to say how much I appreciate her and her loving help with my situation. She really is the most loving and kind person, really cares about my peace and happiness and that of my partner. I love you Mi’chell.

I really can’t say enough good things.
By Anon
I really can’t say enough about how gifted, but moreover, kind and caring this woman is. If you have not tried a reading, I suggest you do so. They are not only revealing and insightful, but healing and soothing. I really can’t say enough good things. Every time I read with her I feel compelled to write a testimonial because it is so healing. Thank you for your blessings.

So very accurate and have been most helpful.
By L.S.
I just want to say that I feel very fortunate to have become aware of and a part of your most wonderful website and services. I sense and feel a strong LOVE from it and the readings I have received from Mi’chell are so very accurate and have been most helpful. The readings have also reinforced how STRONG my intuition is. I visit your site daily to receive the free tarot readings and when I do, I feel a very strong sense of comfort wash over me and it has been the main source of receiving the love that has been lacking in my life. I have recommended you to others and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the feelings of love and comfort that you have shed upon me. You have been my strength along with God almighty and the Great Divine. Blessings to you as well.

Mi’chell is an angel
By N.M.
There are no words to describe the wisdom that one can gain from Divine Love Light’s readings. I have literally used Mi’chell’s insight into my heart, fears, longings, and actions, as reflective points in my own therapy. Mi’chell continuously teaches me about how to heal and align myself with my source, to change my heart and to affect conditions in my life. Her words hit the deepest parts of my soul. I have worked with her for over 8 years now and she guides me with compassion. She has explained so many mysteries of love to me, both in interpersonal relationships and self love. I feel like I am finally absorbing it all. I have done many with her and the ones that have shown me the most profound affect were when I wished for peace and love upon myself. Mi’chell is an angel, and there is only goodness in what she does. She works with the utmost care, and respect for life. I honestly believe she might be an angel placed by the divine on the other side of a computer screen, here to guide my way. Read with her! Form a relationship with her, and expect the unexpected!

She is extremely talented.
By Anon
I want to say that Mi’chell has an uncanny ability in her readings to see major things that are to come which I am astounded by. Months in advance she was able to see something that did transpire. She is extremely talented.

I am beyond impressed
By Tracy S.
I have had quite a few readings in my life, but never with this much detail and information, I only asked 3 questions and gave no information. I am beyond impressed with the accuracy of the reading. the situation summed up in such detail, and she sent me a long mail, clearly they took their time to give the best reading no short cuts there I can only recommend you try for yourself.

I recommend her unreservedly.
By G.F.
I wish to add a testimonial to the accuracy of all the readings I have had from Mi’chell. She has an absolutely uncanny ability to be able to tune in to any given situation and give all the background information and spiritual counseling necessary to enable the client to move forward. Her in depth knowledge of how people are is second to none. She is thorough and caring in her approach and she is always happy to follow up with clarification on the reading if needed. I will certainly have her read for me on all my major life decisions for as long as she wants to. Mi’chell is a thoroughly honest, talented and caring empath. I recommend her unreservedly.

My reading was great!
By Tracy S.
My reading was great! She was so tuned into me and my situation and I felt that what she said was right on the money. There is a level of intuitiveness with her that I’ve never felt with anyone else and I would recommend getting a reading to anyone who needs that extra boost of self-confidence in dealing with their life situations.

Her readings are the BEST I’ve ever had
By Rebecca
She is so awesome! I had my fourth reading from her in the past 3-4 months already. Her readings are the BEST I’ve ever had. She is my preferred reader, and will be back for many more readings in the future. God Bless You!! Rebecca

Amazing reading!
By C.J.
I just had the most amazing reading! Thank you so much. It was so accurate and insightful. And the answers to my questions were very detailed and not just short general answers. Thanks again!! You are amazing! C.J.

Very Happy
By Pearl
I am very happy with the services offered by DivineLoveLight. Its more than just a service. They go the extra mile to answer whatever questions I have. My questions are always answered with much details and care. And my reading was a wonderful experience. She really cares and indeed very intuitive. I felt as if she has known me for ages when she described part of my character. DivineLoveLight is definitely a place that I will come back to whenever I need help.

Be Open to Receive What You Desire
By Irene
Mi’chell’s readings are a balm for the soul. I have found her readings kind, potent, wise and they in and unto themselves amplify and actualize what I desire on welcome in the now and thereby flows into a beautiful steady future. Thank Mi’chell for reaffirming my heart and acknowledging what’s to come and is here now. What a gift!

Love/Relationship Reading
By Sarah M
In all honesty I was alittle nervous with my reading but all my worries were for nothing. Mi’chell was spot on and the reading was just so beautiful, empathetic & detailed. A heartfelt thank you from me to you Mi’chell!:-)

Twin flame reading
By Connie E Cook
I have had two previous reading with Divinelovelight and they were so spot on and encouraging. Very intuitive to our situation and I have just ordered another one. I recommend her very much.

Best Readings I’ve Ever Had
By Heather Jones
I have had a few readings done and by far they are some of the best I have ever had. She is very detailed and so kind. I will continue to get more readings in the future!!

Amazing Reading
By Sandra
Had my reading done by Mi’chell. She is so intuitive, picked up the energy of what I was asking from the very beginning of the reading. Told me things that are happening to me at the moment without me even mentioning anything about it on my reading request. She is very gifted and compassionate; I was very impressed with my reading. Thank you so much Mi’chell:)

Amazing reading!
By Melissa A Kee
She gave lots of information and has brought me lots of optimism! I will be back for another reading. Thank you ❤️

Thank you, what an amazing reader!
By Tonia
I had my first personal reading, Twin flame/soul mate and I have been wowed by Mi’chell. I had been watching her videos on you tube for a few months now and I had been very impressed but having had a personal reading has been an amazing experience. She is such a gifted, caring, compassionate soul and I am very grateful that I was guided to her. I will definitely be using her services again in the future. Thank you so Mi’chell for sharing your wonderful gifts with us.

By S
I’ve had several readings with Mi’chell and she always delivers. She takes her time explaining what the cards mean and is truly gifted when it comes to intuitive messages. I am grateful to her for putting my mind and heart at ease with her readings.

By C Griffin
My reading was beautiful and exactly what I needed. She was very thorough and I felt like I got all my questions answered. She is very gifted and will be purchasing more!

Fabulously Accurate!
By H. Smith
I’ve had several readings from DLL, at this point – first discovered through YouTube – all of which are incredibly resonate and fabulously delivered in a timely and gentle manner. I have never not been clear on the intended message, and never once felt like “just another” customer. DLL brings their attentiveness and compassion at maximum, every single time. This is well worth it. I would definitely recommend this service and have referred friends. I extend my blessings & gratitude; this guidance has helped me, tremendously in ways that nothing else could.

Divine Love Blessings Testimonials

Divine Love Blessing; My Optimism Returns!
By Leesah
I Recently Received a Divine Love Blessing from Mi’chell to help Heal My Heart! I had felt this sudden overwhelming despair and sadness that I couldn’t identify one morning before work. I broke down in my car and wept like never before! I contacted Mi’chell and asked for this Healing. Within no time at all, I felt a Tremendous Presence of Love Filling my Heart Chakra! In my mind, I saw the most Beautiful Pink and Ruby Crystal Shining inside of me and Felt this Powerful Healing Permeating my Being with Pure Divine Peace! I rested while this Energy Saturated my Heart. As the days passed, I felt lighter and lighter. I realized that the sorrow was coming from things I was trying to suppress, and also things I was picking up from others. I was able to release it, and my Heart continued to Brighten. After a week, I began to feel my Optimism Return! This is the Greatest Gift of All for me! My Optimism is part of Who I Am; My Authentic Self! I’m Trusting Again and Open to Love! I Recommend a Divine Love Blessing Highly for whatever Your needs may be! Mi’chell is Truly a Blessing! Thank You!

Quantum Spiritual Love Energy Cleansing Testimonials

HUGE Quantum Healing of House and Land!
By Leesah
I’ve had such Astonishing results working with Mi’chell over the past few years now, and never cease to be Amazed by the Power of Intention and Quantum Healing/Cleansing! I’ve worked with many types of Energy Healing methods in the past, and they have been helpful, but I must say, the Quantum Healing and Cleansing that Mi’chell has done is like nothing I’ve ever experienced! This was a Very Big Job for the House and area I’ve been living in. The History is dense, and the emotional trauma that happened over the years had also left a deep psychic footprint. I had many clearings done over the years that would help chip away at things, but there was still something major that needed to be addressed. I had been shown in a dream years ago, something historical that happened here, and but didn’t quite understand it so put it on the backburner. Evidence recently surfaced that there actually was the type of Historical Activity I had dreamed about in this entire area, and I got a very strong “nudge” that this needed to be Healed.
Since the Cleansing has been performed, the Energy Shift has been HUGE! Being very sensitive, I saw a lot of things leaving and felt they were happy to be free. The Whole area feels so different, and I also feel different! I’m not afraid to go down into the basement anymore to do my wash, and the constant noise from the tenants upstairs has settled down. I’m also much more productive, and able to function without feeling exhausted and confused all the time!
The Energy Continues to improve over time as well, as with all the Quantum Healings and Cleansings! They have a Cumulative Effect that puts everything on the right wavelength so you are able to manifest unhindered! It has shifted my attention away from what had hurt me in the past, and now I am focused on the present! I Am So Happy and Grateful that I was able to have this done and can’t recommend this enough! Thank You So Much!

Other Testimonials

I am so grateful he and I reconciled as quickly as we did
By Anonymous
I had an amazing, life changing, purely magical vacation with him in Maui. We definitely had some raw moments where we needed to work through residual emotions from recent events, but it was honestly the best experience I have had with a partner in my life. He really swept me off my feet and went to all lengths to enjoy our time together. I can’t even express how special it was. I’ve never experienced anything like that in a relationship. I am so grateful he and I reconciled as quickly as we did and am very appreciative of all the focus and energy you put into helping us move past the conflict we had. We’ve communicated much better since, and we both feel more secure in where we are headed. Also, I was able to get back on track with school for the most part because of how quickly he and I reconnected, and it was so vital for that to happen in time for my exams. Thank you so much! And I came home from the trip to find you had sent me the DLL prayer, which somehow felt like it wrapped everything together full-circle.

The power of the work you do is unbelievable.
By N.
The power of the work you do is unbelievable. My relationship is turning around and I know it is because you are pouring positive energy into it. I am seeing results, and I am a true believer. You have never failed me and have given me faith in higher power and have been very generous with your spiritual counsel. Thank you for everything.

By Anon
Mi’chell counseled me through a breakup, and her work led to the reunion of me and my love. Like the testimonial of the client below, synchronicity occurred in us being in the “right place at the right time” which my love said gave him the sign that it was time to get in touch. I think, from what Mi’chell had said in her reading, that this break was temporary and reunion was inevitable but I DONT think it would have happened this “magically” so to speak, if it were not for her. So I do think that God’s work is in her work, and the Divine plan plays out as it should… The extent to which she supported me through this hard time (and I’m sure will continue to support me in the future) means so much. She is a true angel on earth.

What powerful prayers.
By Anon
What powerful prayers. I’m a loyal patron and always humbled!

I was shocked.
By Anon
Well I tried abundance/prosperity and not only have I sold a bunch of old things (books, clothes) through various means, but I just found out I am getting a significant insurance reimbursement because the company overestimated costs for the previous year. I was shocked. Also, money just kind of showed up in my bank account that I had no recollection of transferring. Can’t wait to see what else comes my way.

You are good!
By K.
Wow! It’s amazing, my job is all the sudden falling into place perfectly. You are good! This website is truly amazing… thanks Michell. K.

By D.N.
Hi, Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how things are progressing…and progressing they are! She managed to work everything out on her house sale so that she can move forward with me…and all parties are happy! A new prospect happened to catch me just as I was leaving Saturday night and we signed a contract yesterday! Very successful couple of days I’d say…thanks so much for your help…

White Light Protection
By Leesah
Thank You So, So Much! I received my package today and the sachets smell so Wonderful! The Heart Shaped White Pouch with the Pearls feels so Beautiful! I held them both up to my Heart and just let out tears of relief! I’m so touched by all your kindness and amazing energy! I look forward to your Readings because they have such a Healing effect and really make me think! I’m so Blessed to have met You and Your Wonderful Fur Babies on this journey of Self Acceptance and Living my Authentic Life!
Much Love to You!
Leesah Angel

By Leesah
I just wanted to let you know I received Your Wonderful Package Yesterday! I’m So Overwhelmed with the LOVE and BLESSINGS You have infused into these Lovely and Exquisite Crystal Pouches with the Heavenly Prayers! Words aren’t enough to express how to describe how Blessed I Feel to have been led to You and Your Wonderful Fur Family! I wanted to see if I could write a little testimonial, just to say how Beautiful these are and how I’ve been feeling! When I opened the package, I immediately felt tingles around me like my Aura was been Healed! I just sat and basked in this Wonderful White Light in Awe, reading the Prayers! The pouches and the Crystals have such a profound effect on me! The Beautiful Golden Key is So Uplifting, and when I hold the Crystals, I feel So Happy and Excited in My Heart! The Satin Purple Pouch is So Lovely! The Crystals have been Healing and Opening My Heart! The Energy has Softened everything and quieted me. I didn’t realize how harsh my energy was until I held them and began softening! We live in what feels like a harsh environment, and I always have my guard up. Holding these Soft, Angelic Crystals made me just “Be” and relax for the day. I felt Very Quiet and was able to go inward! I Truly Love the Rose Quartz Heart and Soft Blue Stone. Is this a Celestite? The Amethyst and White Stones Feel Wonderful as Well!
I can’t Thank You enough and am So Touched by Your Beauty! Much Love, Leesah and Family!

whirlwinds of positive results
By Anonymous
I have been meaning to write a testimonial for some time now, and have barely had a chance, literally because of the whirlwinds of positive results that have quickly followed all my work requests by DivineLoveLight, both in love and professionally. This past summer, Mi’chell helped me get accepted to the school of my dreams, against all odds. I also entrusted Mi’chell to help me heal several disagreements I had with my partner during this extremely challenging year. Mi’chell’s work helped us to communicate and reconcile, every time. In fact, I just returned from a gorgeous tropical vacation that my partner took me on, a gesture that resonated with something Mi’chell foresaw in one of our readings. I have never felt like my path to true, genuine joy was so open as in these recent months of Mi’chell’s assistance. I highly recommend connecting with Mi’chell. She is an exceptional empath and practitioner and can help you open your life to joy as well.

Thank you.
By Kathy L.
I was anxious and worried about completing my thesis for a degree I was earning. The work put it over the top! It was received and accepted! Thank you. Kathy L. ~ St. Criox, USVI