2024 Angel Tarotscopes
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Yearly Angel Tarotscopes – Free Angel Tarot Card Reading
Yearly Angel Tarotscopes for an outlook for this year. See what guidance and advice your Angels have for you via the cards at this time. Check your astrological sign below for your free angel tarot card reading for this year.
If you know your Moon sign, be sure to check your free Angel Tarot scope for your Moon sign as well. Your Sun sign can illuminate the personality you express outwardly to the world, while your Moon sign can reflect into the deeper internal and emotional aspects of who you are. The Angel Tarot scope for your Sun sign can represent what influences may be going on for you in your outer world, while the Angel Tarot scope for your Moon sign can represent what influences may be present for you in your more personal “inner world” of feelings and emotions. So be sure to check your Angel Tarotscopes for both your Sun and Moon signs for a broader understanding of the guidance the Angel Tarot has to reflect about the current influences for you this year.
Featured Deck: “The Angel Tarot Cards.”
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The High Priestess – Angel of Power
Keywords: Intuition, wisdom, spirit guides, higher self, divination, self-trust, secrets, mentors.
Meaning: You may feel called to spiritual service or find a way to develop your psychic ability. A mentor may guide you on the right path. Equally, you may become a mentor to others. The High Priestess rules the inner world. She asks you to pay attention to your intuition and the messages in your dreams.
Angel Message: Keep your own counsel, and nurture your inner life through meditation, journaling, and spiritual discovery.
Power Affirmation: “I value my intuition, and trust the messages I receive.”
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: This is a deepened time of expansive spiritual growth and higher understanding. Your intuition is your power source. It will guide you in the right direction, as well as help you manifest your desires. Your intuition is a fertile field of infinite creativity. Spend time with your intuitive presence while thinking about your desires to manifest them. Enjoy the expanded relationship with your creative intuition and the infinite possibilities therein, and with the loving spiritual source from which they flower.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

King of Wands – Leadership
Keywords: Leadership, inventiveness, impulsiveness, ideas.
Angel Message: Driven by ideas and impulses, this King is an unconventional soul. He may be a powerful business leader or an artist, traveler, or start-up entrepreneur, needing complete control to do things his way. He may have very high expectations of others, but he certainly communicates his ideas brilliantly and inspires those around him. This card often comes up in readings to show innovation, creative projects, travel, and successful networking.
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: It may be time to branch off and follow your own creative pursuits, and do things your way as your intuition guides you. Following others directive no longer works for you. Allow your passion and inner spirit to set your heart free. A heightened time of inspiration and expanded freedom is here for you, powerfully and Divinely urging you to express your unique spirit into the world.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The World – Angel of Success
Keywords: Completion, wholeness, journeys, goals, movement, beginnings, fulfillment, travel.
Meaning: The Angel of Success brings you completion and fulfillment. Your relationships, knowledge, and work achievements are honored through gifts or celebrations–parties, ceremonies, and other social events that make you feel valued. The card also shows you are attracting security and money while following your path. Within this happy card is the seed of a new idea, journey, or spiritual path, and the opening up of infinite possibilities for the future.
Angel Message: Enjoy your achievements and look ahead to your next goals. It’s time for new and exciting beginnings.
Power Affirmation: “I am blessed with health, wealth, and love.”
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: Success may show up in unexpected places. Joyful experiences await you, with supreme blessings to be thankful for. Deep emotional fulfillment blossoms within your heart and sends your spirit soaring.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Queen of Wands – Creativity
Keywords: Creativity, eloquence, vibrancy, determination.
Angel Message: This Queen is a brilliant communicator. She inspires and supports others, and if reflecting a situation, acknowledges your creativity and asks you to step into your power. Now is the time to explore that idea, launch a new venture, or write that book. Imagine your ideal future and make it happen. She reminds you, too, to look to your intuition for answers, and be guided toward kindred spirits. In relationships, you understand each other, and intuitively know what you and your partner need to be happy.
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: Many jovial and uplifting experiences are coming your way. Warm, happy, sunny feelings, good cheer, and vibrant success will soon be yours. This card of happiness, success, and vibrant personal power shows that it is your time to shine, and speak up about your feelings, let your true voice be heard. Perhaps for too long you have held back your truth, and now the time has come that you speak up and be heard. Speak your truth. Release all fear about letting yourself shine and be seen. Your voice is valid, your voice matters, your voice is powerful, and now is the time that you really express yourself, let your voice be heard, and fully embody your personal power. You are a vibrant healing light to the world. Shine, be seen, speak your truth with love, and confidently walk through the positive new doors that are opening up for you now, to a new dawn of happiness and success.
Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)

Nine of Pentacles – Comfort
Keywords: Comfort, gratitude, self-sufficiency, wealth.
Angel Message: This “Nine” is the “congratulations” card, because it reveals happiness, home comforts, and even a little luxury. You have, or will attain, the money and abundance you desire to create a near-perfect lifestyle. What’s more important, perhaps, is that you feel that the work you do is valid, and you can support yourself. In fact, you’re now in a position to share your good fortune. In readings, the card often comes up to suggest you will be buying a significant item for your home or garden, or redecorating rooms.
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: Blessings, comfort and financial security are yours. Blessings of increased money are here for you. This may result from a new job, pay raise, promotion, or through unexpected windfalls of money and financial blessings coming your way. Open your arms and heart to receive the joy and financial success that awaits you. A very special desire of your heart is about to be made manifest.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

Two of Cups – Partnership
Keywords: Partnership, affection, soul mates, friendship.
Angel Message: You attract a soul mate or other kindred spirit who shares your values and has genuine feelings for you. These are relationships in balance, with equal giving and taking; the card may reveal your current or future partner, or a creative or business partnership that brings you happiness and harmony. Close friendships often come up as the Two of Cups, too, so a good friend shows you just how much they value your bond. Appreciate your soul mates, whoever they may be.
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: The Two of Cups is a card of love and union. A deeply loving experience is coming your way. This may involve romance, friendship, or a spiritual love experience, and however this love blossoms into your life, open your heart and receive it fully. An experience of love is flowing in your direction now, even better than you could have hoped for. Allow the gentle waves of love to nurture and softly caress your senses, and open your heart to a new depth of joy and oceanic bliss. The time has come that you are finally releasing the old pain of the past, and allowing a deeper, more fulfilling experience of love to enter.
Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

King of Cups – Commitment
Keywords: Commitment, compassion, knowledge, mentoring.
Angel Message: This King’s wisdom is sought by many because he is balanced and self-aware. In a reading, he is often seen as the ideal friend, family member, or partner. He expresses his feelings freely while staying grounded, has great integrity, and may also be a mentor or spiritual advisor. This King also offers the gift of discernment. He asks you to weight up the emotional and practical aspects of a situation and act accordingly. Let your intuition, wisdom, and experience guide you.
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: A deeply fulfilling romantic experience may sweep you off your feet. Heightened emotional maturity brings deeper understanding and many blessings. Stand in your creative power with love, and speak forth your desired creations to life.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Queen of Pentacles – Comfort
Keywords: Comfort, practical help, kindness, influence.
Angel Message: The Queen of Pentacles is traditionally an earth-mother, close to nature and her family, whom she does everything in her power to protect and assist. She signifies practical support, kindness, and material comfort, so this is a card of reassurance if you have been struggling financially. She can also represent business success and mentoring. A key aspect of this Queen is her connection to nature, so you may feel called to reconnect with the natural world through walking, nurturing your garden, or spending time with animals.
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: A blessing of loving warmth surrounds you as you find a nurturing generosity of sweet kindness filling your life with comfort, support, and financial blessings. A new dawn is blessing you with so much to be thankful for. A new pet may be entering your life, or a heart-felt connection with an animal uplifts your heart. A sweet blessing of peace you will find awash throughout your home, life, and being. Security and comfort are here for you.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

The Lovers – Angels of Commitment
Keywords: Love, choices, trust, harmony, maturity, future, togetherness.
Meaning: The Angels of Commitment hold a message for all areas of your life, not just romance. You will need to make a key decision about love, finances, home, or health. In established relationships, the card shows commitment–there’s a choice to be made, and this needs to benefit you long-term. If you are single, the card shows a new relationship and a love choice.
Angel Message: Make the best decision you can, and commit to it.
Power Affirmation: “I commit without fear to my happiness and well-being.”
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: An abundance of love is coming your way. Be prepared for the inpour of love that is about to come flooding into your life. Love is a powerful presence when the Lovers card appears. A higher experience of love will have you feeling on top of the world.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Ace of Swords – Victory
Keywords: Victory, decisions, breakthroughs, clarity
Angel Message: The Ace of Swords is a card of certainty. If a situation has been stagnating, this card reassures you that there will be a breakthrough–a swift, important decision will be made, which is beneficial to you, or you will see the truth of a situation and know exactly what to do. Ultimately, this is a success card, and success comes from clever thinking. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. So let your intelligence shine. An additional meaning of the card is a clean break with the past. You understand just how to move forward.
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: A powerful breakthrough comes through for you and you find yourself experiencing a greater level of success than you’d ever dreamed. You find yourself free of the past with a fresh, new beginning before you. A new opening is expanding for you to step through into the next new version of yourself. You may have dealt with people in your past who brought you down or hurt your heart, and now the time has come that your heart is clean and free, and you find yourself renewed and uplifted. A new clarity enables you to see your situation with a higher perspective that brings you peace, and a clear road for your future.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Nine of Cups – Blessings
Keywords: Blessings, abundance, rewards, success.
Angel Message: Your wishes come true when the Nine arrives in a reading. Feeling blessed, you are successful and generous, sharing what you have with friends and family. If you have been trying to manifest a better life, this card reveals you get your heart’s desire. Make a wish and ask your angels to help you make it a reality.
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: Abundant happiness is making its way to you now. Happy news and happy events are on the horizon. Open your arms and receive all of the blessings, joy, manifested desires, and positive outcomes coming your way.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The Wheel of Fortune – Angel of Destiny
Keywords: Luck, opportunity, changes, movement, winning, wealth, improvement.
Meaning: Be prepared for everything to shift, and expect positive changes. You may benefit from unexpected offers, work opportunities, and chance meetings. Finances improve, and all other aspects of your life benefit from the wheel’s turn, including relationships and “stuck” projects, such as house moves. Your good fortune may arrive in unexpected ways, so be open to whatever comes. You may also receive messages from your angels, and feel more intuitive and spiritually connected than usual.
Angel Message: Whatever issues have affected you, know that your situation is set to improve.
Power Affirmation: “I trust the Universe to position me wherever I need to be.”
Intuitive Message From Mi’chell: The time has come where you find yourself finally experiencing a real breakthrough, and you are now completely free of that which once held you back. You are now emerging from the cocoon you’ve been silently growing within for quite some time now. Your wings are ready, and they are more beautiful and powerful than ever before. Wholeheartedly soar the heights of new joys that await you. More good than you could ever imagine is coming your way. Allow your heart to overflow with the abundant gratitude you will soon be feeling.
Angel of Power and Angel of Success for my Sun and Moon Signs! I Love Your Intuitive Messages for the Cards!